小拜熊 发表于 2005-4-30 22:59:07


<P>Tell me why we have to be so sad</P>
<P>Darkness has fallen The stars are sparking in the sky</P>
<P>Don't need any salve </P>
<P>Just leave me alone</P>
<P>I will slowly calm down though still tears in the dream</P>
<P>Tomorrow is another day full of hope and dream</P>
<P>We will keep on standing on the top of Alpec</P>
<P>&lt;CHORUS&gt;Come on BAYERN stand your way</P>
<P>You are forever number one</P>
<P>We will find a way to build up a whole new world </P>
<P>Hold on BAYERN go on your way </P>
<P>The stars will shine again</P>
<P>You don't need to misdoubt there's iris after the rain</P>

U阿麦拉 发表于 2005-5-4 22:57:48

<P>顶~~</P><P>好啊 </P>

小拜熊 发表于 2005-6-12 02:38:14


恒炽冰 发表于 2005-6-12 23:30:47

<P>顶`~ ~~~~~~</P><P>我们上课写东西就完了,要抄校规的~~~~~~~~~</P>

mogu2612 发表于 2005-6-28 00:19:42


我的拜仁王朝 发表于 2005-7-31 04:09:26

<P>remenber   when</P><P>inever   need   bayern </P><P>now</P><P>what   happen~~~~~~~~~I    love   bayern    forever~~~~~~~~~~~~</P>
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